The Politics of Editing History: Name-Changing in the Recent Past – I - By V Vamsi Viraj - IAMC
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The Politics of Editing History: Name-Changing in the Recent Past – I – By V Vamsi Viraj

In the recent past, we have witnessed a drastic increase in the practice of renaming cities, railway stations, and other public places….

There have been vigorous debates on name-changing on social media, newspapers, magazines, and in academia. A typical justification is that such renaming reclaims past glories and cultures that had been suppressed by Muslim ‘invaders’….

India’s self-image as a nation has been moulded out of opposition to the British through a largely inclusive freedom struggle…. The BJP-led governments at the Centre and State levels, with their intellectual moorings in the discourse of Hindutva, are changing this self-image by invoking a religious brand of nationalism that seeks to reimagine the nation as a de facto Hindu Rashtra….