Is India a nation of such little empathy as to accept the quasi Emergency imposed on Kashmir? - By Vaishna Roy - IAMC
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Is India a nation of such little empathy as to accept the quasi Emergency imposed on Kashmir? – By Vaishna Roy

As an imperfect but functioning democracy, and one that emerged from the horrors of Emergency swearing ‘never again’, it is astounding with what complete ease and gaiety a majority of our compatriots have accepted the quasi Emergency that’s been imposed in Kashmir. Have we, as someone asked, really become a nation of such little empathy?

I would say, not entirely. I believe not everyone is being driven by the same motives. I believe there are three distinct sets of people, each responding similarly but for differing reasons.

The first set, of course, is the fan club. These are like our dear Rajini and Vijay fans down South — worshippers who won’t spot a wart on their Beloved Leader’s face even in brightest sunlight. This lot thinks terror accused Pragya Thakur is potential PM material because Mughals. So Kashmir is jujubee, if you will allow me that wonderful Tamil slang for easy-peasy.…